With almost 50 courses per year. our school can meet all requirements. Each training session takes place in a workshop equipped with high-level professional equipment. with a complete set of tools for each trainee.
In order to provide quality follow-up. our training sessions are limited to 6 trainees per trainer. increased to 8 in an assistant is present. The capacity of our workshop allows us to receive two courses in parallel. up to 14 beginners or confirmed for two trainers and an assistant.
The school is in a 1200 m2 building. a former holiday camp acquired in 2004 by the municipality and made available to the association that governs the school.
At the heart of this building. of course. a workshop. And what a workshop! On a surface of 160 m 2. fifteen complete workstations: for each trainee. a lathe. a workbench. a rack with basic tools. In collective tools. complementary tools. including machines and tools necessary for wood preparation. sharpening and finishing (for example. band saws. planer. lapidary and belt sanders. hand tools. column drills. polishing machines. grinding mills. radial saws...).
The school provides its trainees with more than 300 tools. This number is increasing regularly. especially according to the specific needs of each theme.
You can see the results of the end-of-course assessments below. The results obtained below are calculated on 63 stages (last evaluation taken into account, consolidation training of 12 September 2023), on these 63 stages there were 326 questionnaires distributed of which 285 completed. the assessments are done by our trainees on an assessment of 1 to 10, the maximum score we could get for a criterion would be 630.