If you do not have financial assistance. the courses of 35 hours are at a single rate of 650 € (not eligible for CPF). except the course of knife carving (requiring less material means) which is at the rate of 400 €.
In other cases. a quote will be drawn up on the basis of an hourly cost of 25 € / hour.
In order to guarantee a personalized follow-up. we limit the number of trainees from 5 to 6 for the initiation-beginners courses. 6 to 7 for most of the advanced courses.
Consider adding the accommodation rate (154 €) if you intend to stay at the school and you have the possibility to order us catering meals (10 € per meal). when registering.
You may be eligible for training funding. General provisions are described on https://travail-emploi.gouv.fr/formation-professionnelle/.
Registered with the Chamber of Trades consider using the Fafcea: https://mon-entreprise.fafcea.com/
Registered with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry contact Agefice: https://communication-agefice.fr/
You are dependent on the Chamber of Agriculture, contact VIVEA:
Professionals in the cultural, creative, media, communication, telecommunications, sports, tourism, recreation and entertainment industries are covered by the AFDAS: https://www.afdas.com/
Contact the FIFPL
If you are among young people and/or unemployed, contact your regional council and your employment office. Under 26? Your local mission is there to support you.
Employees: CEP (Conseil en Évolution Professionnelle) is a service provided by Pôle Emploi, APEC, Mission Locale, CAP EMPLOI or one of the new private operators designated by France Compétences (CATALYS, TINGARI, CIBCs, etc.). This service provides maintenance (situation analysis), advice (project definition) and support (implementation of the project).
Your contact will then be one of the Transition pro association (AT-Pro), there is one per region.
You can specify to your financier that we have the QUALIOPI label. In any case we will help you to set up your financing file.